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Scratch and Peck Feeds Cluckin Good Organic Oats are good for pigs, goats, sheep, and horses. Sprout our organic whole grains and unlock essential minerals, vitamins, and increased protein, while providing fresh greens for your animals year-round! Soaking whole grains and legumes removes the protective outer coating, releasing minerals and protein making the grains more readily digestible. Cluckin Good Organic Oats are not recommended for chickens due to limited nutrients.

Feeding Information

You can feed Cluckin Good Organic Oats from your hand or scatter on the ground. Dry whole oats are a sweet treat for animals. Always offer plenty of fresh water, plus free choice, appropriately sized Cluckin Good Poultry Grit for chickens and ducks.

All of Scratch and Peck animal feeds are formulated as complete rations. Additional supplementation of grains is not necessary for animals diets, but they are certainly enjoyed!

  • Size: 40 lb


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