It’s time to put a stop to weed-infested lawns – take action with scotts turf builder weed feed. This weed killer and lawn fertilizer utilizes weedgrip technology to grip onto and kill the weeds you see and the ones you don’t. It controls over 50 listed weeds, including clover, dandelion, and plantain. In addition, this product feeds to thicken your lawn and crowd out any future weeds. Apply scotts turf builder weed feed when weeds are actively growing and daytime temperatures are consistently between 60F and 90F. Make sure your grass is wet from dew or sprinkling, as this helps particles adhere to weed leaves to produce the best results. Scotts recommend using a scotts spreader to apply this product. For scotts broadcast/rotary spreaders, use a setting of 3-1/2. For scotts drop spreaders, use a setting of 5. Do not water your lawn for 24 hr after application or apply if rain is expected within the next 24 hr. Do not apply to st. Augustinegrass (including floratam), dichondra, lippia, carpetgrass, and bentgrass.
Guaranteed to Clear Out Dandelion Clover
Offers up to 2x more powerful weed control in your lawn (versus prior formulation) to clear out dandelion, clover and other common weeds.
Experience the Power of Weedgrip Technology
Weedgrip technology grips the weeds you see and the ones you don’t to make room for strong, green grass to grow.
Crowd Out Weeds for a Thicker Lawn
Scotts turf builder weed feed works double duty as a fertilizer and weed killer. Grow deeper, stronger roots for a thick green lawn all while crowding out future weeds.
- Scotts turf builder weed feed weed killer plus fertilizer kills existing weeds and feeds to thicken your lawn and crowd out future weeds
- Weed and feed utilizes weedgrip technology to grip onto and kill the weeds you see and the ones you don’t
- Controls over 50 listed lawn weeds, including clover, dandelion, plantain, morningglory, chicory, eveningprimrose, and purslane
- This lawn care product can be applied to bahiagrass, bermudagrass, bluegrass, centipedegrass, fescue, ryegrass, and zoysiagrass
How to Use
Check the Weather
If rain is in the forecast in the next 24 hr, apply another day. Rain can wash the particles off of weed leaves before it has a chance to work properly.
Fill and Set Spreader
Applying scotts turf builder weed feed requires a lawn spreader. If you need a new spreader, you can find one here. Refer to the spreader settings section above to set your spreader properly.
Apply to Wet Lawn
Make sure the grass is wet from dew or sprinkling before applying. This helps particles adhere to weed leaves to produce best results. For even application walk at a steady pace slightly overlapping each pass. After applying scotts turf builder weed feed5 you don’t water your lawn for at least 24 hr. Just like rain, watering your lawn after applying scotts turf builder weed feed5 washes the weed control particles off of weed leaves before they can fully work.
Sweep product from hard surfaces onto the lawn to keep valuable feeding nutrients on the grass and out of storm drains.
Where to Use
Use on bluegrass, fescue, ryegrass, bermudagrass, zoysia, centipede, and bahiagrass lawns. Some temporary discoloration may occur on bermuda, bahia, centipede, and zoysia lawns.
Where Not to Use
Do not use on st augustinegrass (including floratam), dichonda, lippia, carpetgrass, and bentgrass lawns.
When To Apply
Apply when weeds are actively growing and daytime temperatures are between 60F and 90F. In the northern us, weeds are most active april-september. In the southern us, weeds are most active march-september. If you have recently applied another fertilizer (e.g., Scotts turf builder lawn food or scotts turf builder halts crabgrass preventer with lawn food) wait at least 30 days to apply scotts turf builder weed feed.
How Often to Apply
Apply up to two times per year. Wait at least 30 days between applications.
Kills Dandelions, Clover, and Other Major Lawn Weeds. Full List: Aster, Bindweed, Bittercress, Black Medic, Buckhorn, Bull Thistle, Burclover, Buttonweed, Canada Thistle, Carpetweed, Catsear (Coast Dandelion), Chickweed, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Clover (Hop), Clover (Red), Clover (White), Cudweed, Curly Dock, Dandelion, Dichondra, Dollarweed, English Daisy, Evening Primrose, Filaree, Fleabane, Ground Ivy, Hawkweed, Healall, Henbit, Horseweed, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza (Seedling), Lippia (Matchweed), Mallow, Moneywort, Morning Glory, Pepperweed, Pigweed, Plantain, Pursiane, Pusley, Ragweed, Red Sorrel (Sheep Sorrel), Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd’s-purse, Smartweed, Sowthistle, Spurweed, Vetch, Wild Carrot, Yarrow, Yellow Rocket.
The Environment
Well-fed lawns are more efficient at using available water. Feeding with scotts lawn food helps grow a thick lawn with more roots to better absorb water and nutrients than an unfed lawn. This helps protect your lawn against heat, drought and other stresses. Remember your lawn will begin to wilt when water is needed. As much as possible take advantage of nature’s sprinkler and rely on the rain to water your lawn.
Active Ingredients
- 2,4-D and Mecoprop-P
- A minimum of 30 days between applications is required
- Avoid product contact with people and pets
- Delay application on newly seeded, sodded or sprigged areas until new grass has been mowed 4 times
- Wait at least one month after application to seed, sod or plant grass springs
- This is for grass not flowers, shrubs, fruit and vegetable plants. If accidental contact with other plants is made rinse off immediately to mitigate damage
- Don’t apply to or near, water, storm drains, gutters, sewers, or drainage ditches
- Apply at least 25′ from any body of water
- Tall grass should be mowed a day or two before application. Do not mow your grass on the day of application and don’t mow for 2-3 days after application
Kids Pets
Keep people and pets off lawn during application. Do not allow people or pets to enter treated areas until dusts have settled. Particles should stick to weed leaves for at least 24 hr after application, so it is best to limit activity from kids and pets for 24 hr after application.
- Size: 11.32lbs
- Fertilizer Analysis: 28-0-3
- Coverage Area: 5,000 sq. ft.
It’s time to put a stop to weed-infested lawns – take action with scotts turf builder weed feed. This weed killer and lawn fertilizer utilizes weedgrip technology to grip onto and kill the weeds you see and the ones you don’t. It controls over 50 listed weeds, including clover, dandelion, and plantain. In addition, this product feeds to thicken your lawn and crowd out any future weeds. Apply scotts turf builder weed feed when weeds are actively growing and daytime temperatures are consistently between 60F and 90F. Make sure your grass is wet from dew or sprinkling, as this helps particles adhere to weed leaves to produce the best results. Scotts recommend using a scotts spreader to apply this product. For scotts broadcast/rotary spreaders, use a setting of 3-1/2. For scotts drop spreaders, use a setting of 5. Do not water your lawn for 24 hr after application or apply if rain is expected within the next 24 hr. Do not apply to st. Augustinegrass (including floratam), dichondra, lippia, carpetgrass, and bentgrass.
Guaranteed to Clear Out Dandelion Clover
Offers up to 2x more powerful weed control in your lawn (versus prior formulation) to clear out dandelion, clover and other common weeds.
Experience the Power of Weedgrip Technology
Weedgrip technology grips the weeds you see and the ones you don’t to make room for strong, green grass to grow.
Crowd Out Weeds for a Thicker Lawn
Scotts turf builder weed feed works double duty as a fertilizer and weed killer. Grow deeper, stronger roots for a thick green lawn all while crowding out future weeds.
- Scotts turf builder weed feed weed killer plus fertilizer kills existing weeds and feeds to thicken your lawn and crowd out future weeds
- Weed and feed utilizes weedgrip technology to grip onto and kill the weeds you see and the ones you don’t
- Controls over 50 listed lawn weeds, including clover, dandelion, plantain, morningglory, chicory, eveningprimrose, and purslane
- This lawn care product can be applied to bahiagrass, bermudagrass, bluegrass, centipedegrass, fescue, ryegrass, and zoysiagrass
How to Use
Check the Weather
If rain is in the forecast in the next 24 hr, apply another day. Rain can wash the particles off of weed leaves before it has a chance to work properly.
Fill and Set Spreader
Applying scotts turf builder weed feed requires a lawn spreader. If you need a new spreader, you can find one here. Refer to the spreader settings section above to set your spreader properly.
Apply to Wet Lawn
Make sure the grass is wet from dew or sprinkling before applying. This helps particles adhere to weed leaves to produce best results. For even application walk at a steady pace slightly overlapping each pass. After applying scotts turf builder weed feed5 you don’t water your lawn for at least 24 hr. Just like rain, watering your lawn after applying scotts turf builder weed feed5 washes the weed control particles off of weed leaves before they can fully work.
Sweep product from hard surfaces onto the lawn to keep valuable feeding nutrients on the grass and out of storm drains.
Where to Use
Use on bluegrass, fescue, ryegrass, bermudagrass, zoysia, centipede, and bahiagrass lawns. Some temporary discoloration may occur on bermuda, bahia, centipede, and zoysia lawns.
Where Not to Use
Do not use on st augustinegrass (including floratam), dichonda, lippia, carpetgrass, and bentgrass lawns.
When To Apply
Apply when weeds are actively growing and daytime temperatures are between 60F and 90F. In the northern us, weeds are most active april-september. In the southern us, weeds are most active march-september. If you have recently applied another fertilizer (e.g., Scotts turf builder lawn food or scotts turf builder halts crabgrass preventer with lawn food) wait at least 30 days to apply scotts turf builder weed feed.
How Often to Apply
Apply up to two times per year. Wait at least 30 days between applications.
Kills Dandelions, Clover, and Other Major Lawn Weeds. Full List: Aster, Bindweed, Bittercress, Black Medic, Buckhorn, Bull Thistle, Burclover, Buttonweed, Canada Thistle, Carpetweed, Catsear (Coast Dandelion), Chickweed, Chicory, Cinquefoil, Clover (Hop), Clover (Red), Clover (White), Cudweed, Curly Dock, Dandelion, Dichondra, Dollarweed, English Daisy, Evening Primrose, Filaree, Fleabane, Ground Ivy, Hawkweed, Healall, Henbit, Horseweed, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza (Seedling), Lippia (Matchweed), Mallow, Moneywort, Morning Glory, Pepperweed, Pigweed, Plantain, Pursiane, Pusley, Ragweed, Red Sorrel (Sheep Sorrel), Scarlet Pimpernel, Shepherd’s-purse, Smartweed, Sowthistle, Spurweed, Vetch, Wild Carrot, Yarrow, Yellow Rocket.
The Environment
Well-fed lawns are more efficient at using available water. Feeding with scotts lawn food helps grow a thick lawn with more roots to better absorb water and nutrients than an unfed lawn. This helps protect your lawn against heat, drought and other stresses. Remember your lawn will begin to wilt when water is needed. As much as possible take advantage of nature’s sprinkler and rely on the rain to water your lawn.
Active Ingredients
- 2,4-D and Mecoprop-P
- A minimum of 30 days between applications is required
- Avoid product contact with people and pets
- Delay application on newly seeded, sodded or sprigged areas until new grass has been mowed 4 times
- Wait at least one month after application to seed, sod or plant grass springs
- This is for grass not flowers, shrubs, fruit and vegetable plants. If accidental contact with other plants is made rinse off immediately to mitigate damage
- Don’t apply to or near, water, storm drains, gutters, sewers, or drainage ditches
- Apply at least 25′ from any body of water
- Tall grass should be mowed a day or two before application. Do not mow your grass on the day of application and don’t mow for 2-3 days after application
Kids Pets
Keep people and pets off lawn during application. Do not allow people or pets to enter treated areas until dusts have settled. Particles should stick to weed leaves for at least 24 hr after application, so it is best to limit activity from kids and pets for 24 hr after application.
- Size: 11.32lbs
- Fertilizer Analysis: 28-0-3
- Coverage Area: 5,000 sq. ft.
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