Cal-CM Plus Limestone can be widely used to improve the fertility and functioning of productive soils by adjusting low pH levels.
Neutralizes acidic soils, improving solubility of many essential plant nutrients influenced by soil pH.
Causes a reduction in aluminum which may be toxic and restrict root and associated top growth. Restricted root growth also reduces drought tolerance.
Allows for more efficient use of fertilizer supplied Phosphorus (P). Aluminum, particularly at a low pH, is chemically active and combines with fertilizer Phosphorus, causing it to become insoluble.
Reduces leaching of potassium. On the soil’s exchange complex there are a limited number of sites that can hold nutrients such as potassium. When these sites are occupied by strongly attached aluminum (low pH), Any potassium added in fertilizer is more susceptible to leaching.
Supplies calcium, an essential plant nutrient.
Lime score: 89
Manufacturer Description
Pelletized for ease of spreading and dust control. Ideally suited for use on golf course fairways, in general agriculture and gardening, on lawns, and in landscape and ornamental applications. Ideally suited for bulk blending. This size allows for a broad application range.
Cal-CM+ Plus Limestone products are derived from a pure calcitic limestone with no detectable magnesium. Cal-CM+ Plus Limestone is primarily used for neutralizing acidic soils (low pH), thereby improving uptake of essential plant nutrients. Cal-CM Plus Limestone is finely ground for more rapid release into the soil. Our Rapid Release Technology process finely grinds the CaCO3 to uniform particle size with 100% passing through 100 mesh. This process allows for a greater total surface area and aids in accelerating the correction of soil pH problems and increases the availability of nutrients.
Cal-CM Plus Limestone can be widely used to improve the fertility and functioning of productive soils by adjusting low pH levels.
Neutralizes acidic soils, improving solubility of many essential plant nutrients influenced by soil pH.
Causes a reduction in aluminum which may be toxic and restrict root and associated top growth. Restricted root growth also reduces drought tolerance.
Allows for more efficient use of fertilizer supplied Phosphorus (P). Aluminum, particularly at a low pH, is chemically active and combines with fertilizer Phosphorus, causing it to become insoluble.
Reduces leaching of potassium. On the soil’s exchange complex there are a limited number of sites that can hold nutrients such as potassium. When these sites are occupied by strongly attached aluminum (low pH), Any potassium added in fertilizer is more susceptible to leaching.
Supplies calcium, an essential plant nutrient.
Lime score: 89
Manufacturer Description
Pelletized for ease of spreading and dust control. Ideally suited for use on golf course fairways, in general agriculture and gardening, on lawns, and in landscape and ornamental applications. Ideally suited for bulk blending. This size allows for a broad application range.
Cal-CM+ Plus Limestone products are derived from a pure calcitic limestone with no detectable magnesium. Cal-CM+ Plus Limestone is primarily used for neutralizing acidic soils (low pH), thereby improving uptake of essential plant nutrients. Cal-CM Plus Limestone is finely ground for more rapid release into the soil. Our Rapid Release Technology process finely grinds the CaCO3 to uniform particle size with 100% passing through 100 mesh. This process allows for a greater total surface area and aids in accelerating the correction of soil pH problems and increases the availability of nutrients.
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