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Double-cut Red Clover. Most widely adapted of the true clovers. This short-lived perennial is grown in Canada and most of the U.S. except the Great Plains states and the Southwest. Mixes well with grass, used for hay, pasture, and soil improvement. Fertile, well-drained loams, silt loams, even fairly heavy textured soils are preferred to light or gravelly soils. Red clover is used extensively in pasture mixes and for renovating old pastures. Grass should be included in clover mixtures for grazing to reduce chances of bloat. Rotational rather than continuous grazing will help prolong the life of the stand. Most plants produce rose purple or magenta flowers in the seeding year.

  • Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is grown throughout the northeastern U.S. for forage production and use in rotations for soil improvement
  • It is adapted to areas where summer temperatures are moderate and adequate moisture is available throughout the growing season
  • Unlike alfalfa, red clover will grow moderately well on slightly acid soils. However, maximum yields are obtained when the pH is 6.0 or higher
  • Red clover is a short-lived perennial, which usually produces two or three hay crops per year. It is characterized by rapid spring growth and low winterhardiness which contributes to its short-lived nature
  • The growth habit of red clover varies from erect to prostrate
  • Small ovoid, pinkish, nitrogen-fixing nodules can be found on the lateral roots if it is actively incorporating atmospheric nitrogen into protein nitrogen
Adapted Varieties

Look for good disease resistance and persistence in a crimson clover variety. Varieties that are resistant to both northern and southern anthracnose and powdery mildew are recommended for use throughout the states. There are several red clover varieties marketed in Pennsylvania that have been bred for better persistence. With proper management, you can expect these varieties to persist for two to three years after the establishment year. Refer to the current Penn State Forage Trial Report for crimson clover variety performance and resistance information.

Double-cut Red Clover. Most widely adapted of the true clovers. This short-lived perennial is grown in Canada and most of the U.S. except the Great Plains states and the Southwest. Mixes well with grass, used for hay, pasture, and soil improvement. Fertile, well-drained loams, silt loams, even fairly heavy textured soils are preferred to light or gravelly soils. Red clover is used extensively in pasture mixes and for renovating old pastures. Grass should be included in clover mixtures for grazing to reduce chances of bloat. Rotational rather than continuous grazing will help prolong the life of the stand. Most plants produce rose purple or magenta flowers in the seeding year.

  • Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is grown throughout the northeastern U.S. for forage production and use in rotations for soil improvement
  • It is adapted to areas where summer temperatures are moderate and adequate moisture is available throughout the growing season
  • Unlike alfalfa, red clover will grow moderately well on slightly acid soils. However, maximum yields are obtained when the pH is 6.0 or higher
  • Red clover is a short-lived perennial, which usually produces two or three hay crops per year. It is characterized by rapid spring growth and low winterhardiness which contributes to its short-lived nature
  • The growth habit of red clover varies from erect to prostrate
  • Small ovoid, pinkish, nitrogen-fixing nodules can be found on the lateral roots if it is actively incorporating atmospheric nitrogen into protein nitrogen
Adapted Varieties

Look for good disease resistance and persistence in a crimson clover variety. Varieties that are resistant to both northern and southern anthracnose and powdery mildew are recommended for use throughout the states. There are several red clover varieties marketed in Pennsylvania that have been bred for better persistence. With proper management, you can expect these varieties to persist for two to three years after the establishment year. Refer to the current Penn State Forage Trial Report for crimson clover variety performance and resistance information.


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