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Gulf annual ryegrass is lighter green and somewhat courser than perennial ryegrass. Its less heat tolerant than perennial ryegrass, which is an advantage when overseeding, because annual ryegrass will disappear before it interferes with the growth of warm season grasses. Gulf has exhibited strong seedling vigor conducive for a weed-free turf and it requires minimal pesticide inputs.


Gulf was developed for winter overseeding of dormant bermudagrass turf where rapid spring transition is desired. If seeded alone, Gulf is a quick cover that will over-winter if planted in the fall. This is useful for athletic fields that receive Playing pressure, and in situations where adequate turf is needed on very short notice.

  • Size: 5 lb

Gulf annual ryegrass is lighter green and somewhat courser than perennial ryegrass. Its less heat tolerant than perennial ryegrass, which is an advantage when overseeding, because annual ryegrass will disappear before it interferes with the growth of warm season grasses. Gulf has exhibited strong seedling vigor conducive for a weed-free turf and it requires minimal pesticide inputs.


Gulf was developed for winter overseeding of dormant bermudagrass turf where rapid spring transition is desired. If seeded alone, Gulf is a quick cover that will over-winter if planted in the fall. This is useful for athletic fields that receive Playing pressure, and in situations where adequate turf is needed on very short notice.

  • Size: 5 lb


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